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comic con is a big thing for artists, collectors, gamers, dorks, geeks and people who still think goth is cool. philly's comic con is small peanuts compared to san diego's and ny's, but philly can hold her own. no doubt.
my girls didn't go with me this year. i was a bit disappointed, but my good friend dave came down from ny to geek out with me. most people go to comic for the full 3 days, i prefer to go one day, but totally make the most of it. meaning, getting a good breakfast that morning, usually the down home diner, one needs bacon and eggs, protein! need energy to browse thru bins of comic books looking for that back issue, the issue of thor, the what if professor x became juggernaut, finding first generation transformers, etc. also, the diner is literally a 3 minute walk to the comic con. word.
having consumed a hearty breakfast, camera charged, smiles on, we enter the kingdom called comic con, or as i say, heaven!
the place was crawling with people and kids. this time, however, there was no pikachu and we did not pretend to kick pikachu. so no angry mob of sugar high kids chased us...this time!
the first thing when entering comic con, always do a full walk thru. i always go to each table, stand, vendor, etc. and do a scan/browse. there is so much to take in. once you do that, you make a mental list of where you wanna come back to. this way, you don't miss any deals.
i talked and met michael oeming. my friend dave actually met him in ny. they have mutual friends. ah the bookpress bizness! and they chatted it up and then dave introduced me as a big fan. i am! hello! oeming and bendis=RADNESS. powers is so good. retro girl. anyhow, i spurted out something retarded like, " i like to read." wow. charming pearl. charming.
picked a cute cartoon portrait of pinhead for my dad. happy father's day. it is a cool gift since he is a big horror movie fan and a fan of hellraiser. who the hell isn't?!
i picked up 4 books on the walking dead series....oh here is my pet peeve. i think the people, the crowd that goes to these convention understand that we all are collectors. we all are looking for something. i would like to think we would help each other or at the least be considerate. for example, my boys were helping me look for issues of walking dead. then some dude would say, hey if you iron man #1, can you pull it for me? we all agree and say, if you see walking dead #2, pull it aside. all these alliances. spoken codes. comic commederie. fingers dry from flipping thru comics. throat parched from the unventilated stale air. i was kneeling on the floor. flipping thru issues. then some dude kneels down next to me on my left. he started to browse on the box i was about to look thru. i had only this one box left. i didn't realize that he saw the issues of walking dead in my hands. the volume numbers in clear view and #2 was missing in this equation. he flips thru the bin and the pulls a walking dead #2. i look and i gasp! i was about to say something, but he smirked. he looked at me and smirked and paid for the one issue i needed. wha?! i guess egg on me for not saying something to him when he was next to me. i should have asked him to look for issue 2 for me, but it all was a blur. it happened in one hot minute. word to the boys, if a girl has several issues of one comic and you notice she is missing one issue, DO NOT TAKE that issue!
there was the usual costume contest. wheeljack should have won. ooh, some dude was chamber. yup, that is not an orange beard he sports, his lower jaw was exploded off. xmen. gotta love them. read my yelp review on comic con. i was dying of laughter when black manta booed dave. hey, dave thought it was wonder woman. he is a comic guru, but i think his blood sugar was falling. mine was. we needed to eat lunch. anyhow, it was donna troy. wonder woman's sister. she told him and black manta stated, "you are at a comic con and you don't know comics!" whoa. harsh words from a villain who killed aqua man's baby! comic con is a great mix of the geeks. the goths. the lonely. the smelly. the creepy. the slutty. and the common thread? the love of comics.
i like that my world is filled with good friends who love comics and can appreciate the need to find all the new avengers issues, a place where it is ok to play magic with D&D 20 sided dice, where babies can be dressed up as final fantasy characters, where you're only as good as the writer and artist who made you and even rewrites can make you better than ever, ie. green arrow.
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